Please see NCDHH’s latest webpage for more information about where vaccines area available .
Jynneos Vaccine Distribution
Below reflects the total amount of Jynneos vaccine doses that has been allocated, requested, and shipped based on information from the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response . Please note that administration will affect how many doses can be given per the same volume.
overall = {
const co2data = await FileAttachment ('' )
. csv ({ typed : true });
return co2data;
onlyNC = overall. filter ((state) => {
return state. Jurisdiction == "North Carolina"
//#| eval: true
Plot. plot ({
y : {
grid : true ,
label : "Jynneos Vaccine Doses"
x : {
label : "Date"
marks : [
Plot. ruleY ([0 ]),
Plot. barY (onlyNC, {x : "DateDT" , y : "AllocatedCNT" , fill : ["#0088CE" ], title : (d) =>
` ${ d. DateDT } \n Allocated Doses: ${ d. AllocatedCNT } \n Requested Doses: ${ d. RequestedCNT } ` // \n makes a new line
//Plot.text(onlyNC, {x: "DateDT", y: "AllocatedCNT", text: [`Requested1`], frameAnchor: "top"}),
//Plot.text(onlyNC, {x: "DateDT", y: "RequestedCNT", text: [`Requested2`], frameAnchor: "top"}),
Plot. barY (onlyNC, {x : "DateDT" , y : "RequestedCNT" , fill : "#58A618" , title : (d) =>
` ${ d. DateDT } \n Allocated Doses: ${ d. AllocatedCNT } \n Requested Doses: ${ d. RequestedCNT } ` // \n makes a new line
Inputs. table (onlyNC, {
columns : [
"Jurisdiction" ,
"DateDT" ,
"AllocatedCNT" ,
"RequestedCNT" ,
"ShippedCNT" ,
header : {
Jurisdiction : "State" ,
DateDT : "Update Date" ,
AllocatedCNT : "Allocated Doses" ,
RequestedCNT : "Requested Doses" ,
ShippedCNT : "Shipped Doses" ,
FilledPCT : "Percent of Requested Shipped"
import {Plot} from "@mkfreeman/plot-tooltip"